Detroit Hives

Detroit Hives is a short documentary about an urban bee farm in East Detroit run by Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey, a young couple working to bring diversity to the field of beekeeping and create opportunities for young Detroit natives to overcome adversity. Detroit ranks fourth in the United States for the most vacant housing lots with well over 90,000 empty lots to date. In an effort to address this issue, Detroit Hives has been purchasing vacant lots and converting them into buzzing bee farms. Detroit Hives explores the importance of bringing diversity to beekeeping and rebuilding inner-city communities one hive at a time.

About the Film

In talking to Tim and Nicole about why they have decided to take up beekeeping in Detroit, there is a genuine passion and deep desire to help communities grow and flourish for future generations. Our goal for this film is to highlight the incredible work they are doing to educate and disseminate knowledge and power for the people in their community to create change. Detroit Hives highlights the importance of Tim and Nicole’s hard work and determination through the maintenance of their beehives, how they work with their community of volunteers and partners, and how they travel to schools to educate youth in urban Detroit. The film additionally attempts to underscore the importance of addressing social and economic issues affecting marginalized groups in Detroit through the story of these young beekeepers. Tim and Nicole inspire us, they give us hope, and we are so grateful for their time, energy, and their amazing work.